/var/www/html/wp-content/themes/Divi/single.php 3/16/2020-MONDAY WORKOUT | South Seattle CrossFit


Sally squats.  If you’ve got weight, use it.
Follow the song “Flower” by Moby


5 Rounds

400m run

20 Burpee Box jumps(24/20)


Good evening SSCF!

As you’re all aware, we are now under official mandate to close up shop until March 31. There will be a leadership meeting tomorrow afternoon that might shed some additional light on the guidance we received this evening. Regardless, until we hear otherwise, SSCF will be closed for classes inside our facility. We recognize the reason for closure and we’re not trying to find a loophole. However, we’d like to extend an opportunity for our members to continue to workout and stay fit during this unprecedented time. We’re working through the official logistics of an individual equipment sign out, home/park/track workout program. We recognize it’s not the same without your friends but we ask that you don’t organize yourselves in such a way that breaks the intent of the mandate. The goal is to minimize exposure and stop the spread of infection. We’re going to do everything we can to give you something of value for as long as it takes to return to normal. We just want to thank you, upfront, for your understanding and hope that everyone remains safe and healthy. Details regarding equipment/workouts will be communicated by the end of the evening. It looks like a beautiful, sunny day tomorrow so we hope you can get outside and sweat!