by chris | 12am1010UTCSaturday | WOD
Join us for another fun Saturday workout 830-930am open gym 10am WOD
by chris | 11am1020UTCFriday | WOD
STRENGTH Build To A Squat Clean And Jerk In 15 Min METCON Emom X 25 1 = 5 Thrusters (building) 2 = 55 Doubles 3 = 5 Ring Muscle-ups 4 = 15 Wallballs 5 = Rest
by chris | 10am1032UTCThursday | WOD
METCON 1000m-750-500m-250m – Row 10-20-30-40 – T2b 200-400-800-1600m – Run 40-30-20-10 – Situps
by chris | 09am1033UTCWednesday | WOD
STRENGTH A1. Me Ring Dips a2. Seal Bb Rows X 8-12 x 4 Sets” METCON 3 Rounds For Time 10 Clean And Jerks (135/95) 20 Db Bench (50/35) 30 Cal Ab
by chris | 08am1010UTCTuesday | WOD
STRENGTH .build To A Max 1rm Squat Snatch In 15 Min METCON 30 Rounds 1 Hang Power Snatch (95/65) 2 Ohs 3 Box Jumps (30/24)
by chris | 07am1059UTCMonday | WOD
STRENGTH STRENGTH A1. Hip Thrusts X 20 X 4 Sets @20×2 a2. Me-pronated Grip Chin Over Bar Hold Plus Slow Lower x 4 Sets (if You Can Hold For Atleast :15 Use Weight) METCON Emom X 21 1 = 16/13 Cal Row 2 = 15 C2b Pullups 3 = 15 Burpees Over Row...
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